Amber prize is the prize founded by the Association of Castles and Museums Around the Baltic Sea.
The prize is awarded for a significant contribution to the development of the Association, for shaping the positive image of the Association, and for help in creating good relations and understanding between colleagues working in different castles and museums in the Baltic Sea region.
Amber Award is granted on the basis of the decision of the General Assembly of the Association. Each member of the Association can propose a candidate for the prize.
The candidate proposals can be submitted to the relevant member of the Association’s Board throughout the year.
The winner receives a special diploma, and a small figure made of Baltic amber.
With this prize are rewarded
Michel Marbot - businessman and patron, founder of the idea of Baltic museum cooperation;
Vivi Jensen – historian, Board member of Association from Denmark;
Rajmund Fortuna – businessman;
Mariusz Mierzvinski – historian, vice president of Association
Juhani Kostet - Finnish historian, the former director-general of the National Board of Antiquities (Finland)
Bengt Kylsberg - Swedish art scholar, long-term curator of Skokloster Castle Museum, Board member of Association from Sweden, President of Association 1998 - 2008