An the end of August 2018 the Museum of Archaeology and History in Elbląg will close the project: With the Museum to the future. Modernization of the Museum of Archaeology and History in Elbląg - stage II.
On this occasion, we would like to invite all our friends from the Network of Museums in the Baltic and the Association of the Castles and Museums in Baltic Sea to take a part in the presentation and scientific integration meeting which we would like to organize in September 2018 in Elbląg.
Every year two groups meet in a wide circle of their own members at working meetings usually associated with a scientific conference and a tour of the region. As part of these custom activities 'on the occasion of presenting the effects of our project “With the Museum to the future. Modernization of the Museum of Archaeology and History in Elbląg - stage II ", we would like to:
1. built a platform to integrate members of both groups;
2. present all institutions in an enlarged circle;
3. discuss the issues we tackle and the positive phenomena in our area of activity;
4. initiate a discussion on the themes of contemporary Europe in the context of museum
activity: contemporary migration or new “Migration Period”.
We declare interesting meetings, at all times of the day and ... exciting experiences with the use of modern technology and other surprises. One of them is related to the centuries-old tradition of beer brewing in Elblag.
To the end of October 2017 (by the organizational reasons), please send us an initial consent for participation in Elbląg meeting.
The coordinator of this event is:
Grzegorz Stasiełowicz,,
+48 55 232-72-73
+48 604 706 017