29th General Assembly of the Association of Castles and Museums around the Baltic Sea
Venue: Haapsalu Cultural Centre, Posti 3, Haapsalu, Estonia


18. September 2010 – Board meeting, General Assembly

1. Review and auditing reports of the previous year

2. Presentations of new members: Wisłoujście Fortress, Museum of Gdansk; Kaunas Castle, Kaunas City Museum

3. Opening of the new book “Castles around the Baltic Sea”


19 September 2019 - Conference “New in old: contemporary museums in historical buildings”

9.15-9.45 Registration and coffee

9.45-10.00 Opening of the conference

Session I

10.00-10.30 Reconstruction, restoration, conservation – is there any difference? Siim Raie, National Heritage Board of Estonia, Director General

10.30-11.00 “Nos cum prole pia, benedicat Virgo Maria!” The reconstruction of the church and Madonna statue at Malbork castle 2014-2016, dr hab. Janusz Trupinda, The Malbork Castle Museum, General Director

11.00-11.30 National museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania: the reconstruction of the history, Ramunė Vaičiulytė, Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, Communication coordinator

11.30-11.50 Coffee brake

11.50-12.20 From a ruin to a museum: 140 years of conservation in Haapsalu Castle, Kaire Tooming, Haapsalu Castle Museum, Head of the Castle Museum

12.20-12.50 Haapsalu Castle: Blending past with future, Margit Aule, KAOS Architects, Partner

12.50-13.20 Design of indoor climate of museum in medieval Haapsalu Castle, Teet Tark, Hevac OÜ, Chairman of the Board

13.20-14.00 Lunch at the venue

Session II

14.00-14.30 Haapsalu Castle: Building an exhibition from the basic principles, Jaak Mäll PhD, Haapsalu Castle Museum, Head Curator

14.30-15.00 “Towering Tales of the Sea”: new exhibition in an old tower, Priit Lätti, Estonian Maritime Museum, Researcher

15.00-15.20 Coffee brake

15.20-15.50 Kuressaare Fortress: Stories told by the walls, Tõnu Sepp, Saaremaa Museum, Head of Maintenance Department

15.50-16.20 Living history at Cēsis Castle, Alens Opoļskis, Cēsis History and Art Museum, Department of Medieval Castle, Operations Manager

16.30-18.00 Visit to Haapsalu Castle


Dear Colleagues,

We are proud to invite you to the newly reopened Haapsalu Castle! 29th General Assembly of the Association of Castles and Museums around the Baltic Sea and the conference "New in old: contemporary museums in historical buildings” will take place in Haapsalu, Estonia 18-20 September 2019.

The annual conference will reflect the latest developments in castle museums in different Baltic Sea countries. Sessions will cover building conservation, accessibility and working with visitors. Historical castles are delicate structures, but housing museums means that those buildings must meet certain contemporary requirements for climate, accessibility etc.

At the conference the best practice for meeting both the needs of museum and building conservation will be discussed. Working with visitors is an essential part of the museum. Different methods of interpretation of buildings and history related to them as well as building contemporary exhibition in castles will be discussed.